Liver diseases are deadly, men at greater risk due to heavy consumption of alcohol: study

Liver illnesses are an increasing public health concern in India, posing a significant morbidity and mortality burden

Update: 2023-04-18 12:25 GMT

Image Credits/ Mayo Clinic


HYDERABAD: Around 70 percent of Indians have visceral fat obesity, and 15 percent have fatty liver, with men being more affected than women. These findings were based on data from 7,000 healthy and sick individuals who underwent liver screening in the last one year at NURA, a collaboration between Fujifilm treatment and Dr Kutty's Healthcare in Bengaluru that delivers AI-enabled imaging and expert therapy.


"Such a high prevalence of visceral fat obesity and fatty liver among otherwise healthy and asymptomatic people is striking," said Dr. Tausif Ahmed Thangalvadi, Medical Director of NURA. What's more concerning is that fatty liver was found in people of all ages, with detection in people as young as 25. Nearly 2-3 percent of patients with fatty liver also had concomitant mild liver damage".

According to the doctor, particular traits, such as high alcohol consumption, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, chronic viral hepatitis, exposure to hepatotoxic chemicals, and a family history of liver illnesses, put people at a higher risk of acquiring liver disorders.


Liver illnesses are an increasing public health concern in India, posing a significant morbidity and mortality burden. Liver illnesses are the tenth biggest cause of mortality in India, accounting for 2.4 percent of all fatalities, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Liver illnesses are expected to affect 10-15% of the population, with a higher frequency in rural areas.

Viral Hepatitis, Alcoholic Liver Disease, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) are the most common forms of liver illnesses in India. While A and E are food-borne and largely safe, B, C, and D are blood-borne and can cause liver failure and liver cancer. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimates that the prevalence of hepatitis B and C in India is 4-5 percent and 1-2 percent, respectively.


Alcohol intake is a significant risk factor for liver illnesses in India, with an estimated prevalence of 1-2 percent. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is also becoming a significant public health issue in the country, with a prevalence of 9-32 percent in the general population and up to 60 percent in obese individuals. According to current evidence, NAFLD has the potential to cause liver damage and failure, which can lead to liver cancer.

Dr. Tausif Ahmed Thangalvadi, Medical Director, NURA: “Early identification of liver diseases is crucial for effective management. Fortunately, the liver is a very strong organ which can handle minor injuries by itself. The symptoms arise only after a certain amount of damage has occurred which suggests that liver symptoms should always be taken seriously.  Some of the earliest symptoms are fatigue, loss of appetite and nausea and vomiting. The other common symptoms of liver disease as it progresses are jaundice, pain in the abdomen, swelling in the legs and abdomen, dark urine, and pale stool.”

He added: “At NURA, we recommend an annual health checkup for everyone. While testing for the liver, we suggest to undergo liver function tests (LFTs) to identify any injury to the liver or decrease in liver function, abdominal Ultrasound or Ultra-low dose CT scan to check for fatty liver, and some additional tests like lipid profile (for cholesterol), HbA1c (for sugars), and visceral fat obesity.”


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