Congress urges ECI to declare paid holiday for MLC by-elections on May 27

Congress demands paid holiday for voters of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Graduates constituency to participate in by-polls.

Update: 2024-05-22 11:12 GMT

HYDERABAD: Congress MLC Dr. Venkat Narsing Rao Balmoor has urged the Election Commission of India (ECI) to declare a paid holiday on May 27 for the by-elections of the Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Graduates constituency MLC seat.

In a representation submitted to Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj, Dr. Balmoor highlighted that the by-election is scheduled on a working day. He said that he had received numerous requests from graduate voters in the constituency, demanding that the polling day be treated as a paid holiday for those registered as voters. He proposed that upon producing their voter ID, employees should be granted a paid holiday on May 27 to facilitate higher voter turnout.

The CEO assured Dr. Balmoor that he would consider the demand and forward the request to the ECI for further action.


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