Surge in conjunctivitis cases in Hyderabad, here are measures to combat the outbreak

Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital in Mehdipatnam has reported a staggering 75-110 daily patients seeking treatment for conjunctivitis cases

Surge in conjunctivitis cases in Hyderabad, here are measures to combat the outbreak

HYDERABAD: Several hospitals in Hyderabad are grappling with a sudden rush of patients as the city is witnessing a surge in cases of conjunctivitis following recent rainfall. Among the hospitals affected, Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital in Mehdipatnam has reported a staggering 75-110 daily patients seeking treatment for conjunctivitis cases.

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an eye infection characterised by symptoms such as eye redness, excessive tearing, itching, and discomfort. In recent months, India has witnessed an alarming increase in pink eye cases, with medical experts reporting a three to four times higher incidence compared to previous years, sparking concern among healthcare professionals and communities.

The current surge in cases has been attributed to the prevailing weather conditions in the city, which include high humidity levels and waterlogging. These conditions create an ideal environment for the viruses and bacteria responsible for conjunctivitis to spread and thrive. Although highly contagious, it is essential to dispel common myths surrounding the transmission of the infection. Contrary to popular belief, conjunctivitis cannot be transmitted by merely looking into the eye of an infected person. Instead, direct contact with an infected individual, particularly through hand-to-eye contact, is the primary mode of transmission. For instance, if a person with conjunctivitis touches their eye and then touches another object, the virus or bacteria can be passed on to the next person who comes into contact with that object and subsequently touches their eyes.

Manifesting as red, itchy eyes often accompanied by a sticky discharge, conjunctivitis can cause significant discomfort and inconvenience to those affected. To protect oneself and prevent the spread of the infection, several preventive measures can be adopted. Regularly washing one's face can help keep the infection at bay, and minimising the frequency of touching the eyes can significantly reduce the risk of contracting the infection. Maintaining hygienic surroundings is crucial, as the virus and bacteria thrive in unclean conditions. Moreover, sharing personal items such as sunglasses and handkerchiefs can easily spread the infection, making it essential to avoid such practices.

The surge in conjunctivitis cases underscores the critical need for personal hygiene and health vigilance. As containment efforts continue, individuals can play a vital role in combating the outbreak by adopting preventive measures and seeking prompt medical attention for symptoms.

Health authorities in Hyderabad are closely monitoring the situation and working to raise awareness about preventive measures among the public. It is crucial for residents to stay informed and follow the guidelines issued by healthcare professionals to prevent the further spread of conjunctivitis.

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