Cyberabad Police arrest man for matrimonial fraud

Accused, Ashok Reddy, created a fake Snapchat profile, posed as a woman, and tricked victims into sending him money for a fake business.

Cyberabad Police arrest man for matrimonial fraud

HYDERABAD: Cybercrime sleuths in Cyberabad have arrested a man for allegedly perpetrating matrimonial fraud and extorting money from unsuspecting individuals through fake social media profiles.

The accused, Maram Ashok Reddy, 23, created a fake profile under the name "Praneetha_redd" on SnapChat. He used this profile to approach victims, posing as a woman. Through a fabricated story, he managed to extort Rs. 14,00,000 from one victim under the guise of urgent financial needs.

Ashok Reddy created a fake user profile on SnapChat and initiated contact with his victim by sending a friend request. Posing as a woman, he built a virtual relationship based on friendship, love, and the promise of marriage. He sent photographs to gain the victim's trust and concocted stories of urgent financial needs, claiming he was starting a business. The victims, believing Ashok Reddy's tales, transferred money to him until realising they had been deceived.

The Cyberabad police arrested Ashok Reddy and seized one mobile device and the SIM cards used in the crime. He used the extorted money to gamble on various online betting platforms.

Ashok Reddy was involved in three separate cases of cybercrime in the jurisdiction of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate limits.

Cyberabad Police Advisory to Citizens

In response to this incident, the Cyberabad Police have issued an advisory urging citizens to exercise caution when engaging in online matrimonial alliances. Citizens are advised to verify the authenticity of profiles and immediately report any suspicious activity via the toll-free number 1930 or the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP). Key warning signs include professing love too quickly, refusing to meet in person or via video chat, and constantly asking for money.

Citizens should research the names, photos, and other details provided by individuals they meet online. Scammers often use fake identities, and a quick search can reveal inconsistencies. Reporting potential scammers to the dating platform and relevant authorities is crucial to prevent others from falling victim to similar scams. Staying informed about the latest scams and techniques fraudsters use is one of the most effective ways to protect oneself.

The police also advised that if you have been a victim of a matrimonial scam, you should seek support from friends, family, or professional counsellors to address any emotional or financial repercussions.

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