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Telangana CID arrests three white-collar offenders for evading court for last 10 years

Telangana CID arrests three white-collar offenders for evading court for last 10 years

11 Oct 2023 6:53 PM IST

Telangana CID on Wednesday arrested three white-collar offenders who have been evading court proceedings in Maharashtra for the past decade

Absconding for 22 years, Krushi Bank director arrested by Telangana CID

Absconding for 22 years, Krushi Bank director arrested by Telangana CID

25 Sept 2023 6:11 PM IST

NBWs Special Execution Team of CID Telangana arrested Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank director Sreedhar in Palakollu in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh