EYVA world's first non-invasive health care gadget

EYVA can test your vitals like blood glucose, ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, SPo2, and temperature with just one touch. It gives six key vitals of the body in 60 seconds.


HYDERABAD: Gone are the days where one had to poke the skin and draw blood to get tested. With EYVA you can test your vitals like blood glucose, ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, SPo2, and temperature with just one touch. It gives six key vitals of the body in 60 seconds.

BlueSemi, the parent company launched EYVA with its product, on Jan 5 at CES 2022 in Las Vegas. The product was seed funded and received an investment of $69 million dollars from a New York-based investment fund.

"We wanted to build a product that people should love to get, not out of fear," Sunil Maddikatla, CEO and Founder at Hyderabad-based BlueSemi, said.

EYVA is inspired from Mercedes AVTR car, the non-invasive consumer health tech gadget is backed by an innovative patented technology leveraging sensor fusion, accurate AI algorithms, and smart IoT. A magical world that reimagines and simplifies tracking your health with just a touch without wanting to scare the users with too many data points.

When compared to smart watches it is a personal gadget, but if we see EYVA it's a family gadget which can be used by all the members from children to elders.

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