Syllabus for Group 1 exam to be held in May/June 2024 deals with Telangana agitation
The Group 1 examination held for 503 posts earlier was scrapped and a fresh notification was issued for 563 posts by the TSPSC on Monday.

HYDERABAD: The Group 1 examination held for 503 posts earlier was scrapped and a fresh notification was issued for 563 posts by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) on Monday.
While the fate of 2.33’lakh candidates who had appeared for the second time on June 11, 2023 hangs fire, the government decision surely must have come as a rude shock to those hoping that the TSPSC would pursue the case in the Supreme Court challenging the Telangana High Court order.
Meanwhile, soon after the notification, the TSPSC notified the syllabus for the Group 1 examination to be held in May/June 2024 has been notified.
Also Read: Group 1 in limbo: TSPSC plea to Supreme Court withdrawing SLP; new jobs raise many questions
The prescribed syllabus has a specific mention about the Telangana movement from 1971 till 2014
Parts of the prescribed syllabus are as below:
Mobilizational Phase (1971 -1990)
Court Judgements on Mulki Rules- Jai Andhra Movement and its Consequences- Six Point Formula 1973, and its Provisions; Article 371-D, Presidential Order, 1975-Officers (Jayabharat Reddy) Committee Report- G.O. 610 (1985); its Provisions and Violations-Reaction and Representations of Telangana Employees
Rise and Spread of Naxalite Movement, causes and consequences - Anti-Landlord Struggles in Jagityala-Siricilla, North Telangana; Rytu-Cooli Sanghams; Alienation of Tribal Lands and Adivasi Resistance- Jal, Jungle, and Zamin.
3. Rise of Regional Parties in 1980's and Changes in the Political, Socio-Economic and Cultural fabric of Telangana- Notion of Telugu Jathi and suppression of Telangana identity-Expansion of new economy in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana; RealEstate, Contracts, Finance
Companies; Film, Media and Entertainment Industry; Corporate
Education and Hospitals etc; Dominant Culture and its implications for Telangana self respect, Dialect, Language and Culture.
4. Liberalization and Privatisation Policies in 1990's and their consequences - Emergence of regional disparities and imbalances in political power, administration, education,
employment - Madiga Dandora and Tudum Debba movement - Agrarian crisis and decline of Handicrafts in Telangana and its impact on Telangana Society and economy.
5. Quest for Telangana identity-intellectual discussions and debates- political and ideological efforts - Growth of popular unrest against regional disparities, discrimination and under development of Telangana.
IlI. Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
1. Public awakening and Intellectual reaction against discrimination- formation of Civil society organisation, Articulation of separate Telanagana Identity; Initial organisations raised the issues of separate Telangana; Telangana Information Trust - Telangana Aikya Vedika, Bhuvanagiri Sabha - Telangana Jana Sabha, Telangana Maha Sabha - Warangal Decleration - Telangana Vidyavanthula Vedika; etc., Efforts of Telangana Congress & BJP in highlighting the issue.
2. Establishment of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001, Political Realignment and Electoral Alliances in 2004 and later Phase of Telangana Movement - TRS in UPA- Girgliani Committee- Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee - Pranab Mukherjee Committee- 2009-Elections-Alliances- Telangana in Election Manifestos- The agitation against Hyderabad as Free-zone - and Demand for separate Statehood- Fast-Unto-Death by K. Chandra Shekar Rao-Formation of Political Joint Action Committee (2009).
3. Role of Political Parties-TRS, Congress, B.J.P., Left parties, T.D.P., M.I.M and other political parties such as Telangana Praja Front, Telangana United Front etc., Dalit-Bahujan Sanghams and Grass roots Movement organisations - Other Joint Action Committees and popular protests- Suicides for the cause of Telangana.
4. Cultural Revivalism in Telangana, other symbolic expressions in Telangana Movement-Literary forms- performing arts and other cultural expressions- writers, poets, singers, intellectuals, Artists, Journalists, Students, Employees, Advocates, Doctors, NRIs, women, Civil society groups, organised and unorganised sectors, castes, communities and other social groups in transforming the agitation into a mass movement - Intensification of Movement, Forms of Protest and Major events: Sakalajanula Samme, Non-Cooperation Movement; Million March, etc.,
5. Parliamentary Process; UPA Government's stand on Telangana- All-Party Meeting-Anthony Committee- Statements on Telangana by Central Home Minister - Sri Krishna Committee Report and its Recommendations, AP Assembly and Parliamentary proceedings on Telangana, Declaration of Telangana State in Parliament, Andhra Pradesh State Reorganization Act, 2014- Elections and victory of Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the first Government of Telangana State.