You Searched For "HCU"

University of Hyderabad(UoH)

UoH invites applications for 43 PG programs, two Integrated MSc PhD programs

8 Aug 2023 7:33 AM GMT

The deadline for applying online to PG/IMScPhD programmes is August 12, 2023

SFI-ASA-DSU panel wins HCU student union defeating ABVP-OBCF-SLVD alliance

SFI-ASA-DSU panel wins HCU student union defeating ABVP-OBCF-SLVD alliance

27 Feb 2023 7:54 AM GMT

The CPI (M)-backed Students Federation of India-led panel has posted a resounding victory in the elections against the ABVP-OBCF-SLVD coalition in student union elections of HCU

HCU under tension amid SFI’s BBC documentary on Modi Vs ABVP’s Kashmir Files shows

HCU under tension amid SFI’s BBC documentary on Modi Vs ABVP’s Kashmir Files shows

27 Jan 2023 5:48 AM GMT

The documentary, which was made by the International news agency, was centred on Narendra Modi's involvement in the Gujarat riot.

University of Hyderabad (UoH)

UoH professor charged with attempting to rape a foreign student

3 Dec 2022 6:42 AM GMT

Reportedly, the incident took place on December 2, 2022